Newsletter Contents:
- New-look website launched
- Anne Battye's visit
- Open Week
- Training Course Enrolments
- New book about Posture
- Short Courses
- Alex and the Ironman
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Welcome to the Autumn 2011 edition of the newsletter! In this issue I am happy to let you know about the centre's brand new website which offers a wide range of interesting articles and information on guest teachers at the centre as well as news about a variety of courses.
A special welcome if you are new the Alexander Technique mailing list. You will be sent an e-newsletter about 3-4 times a year with up-to-date information about Alexander Technique courses in Ireland and special events or offers. I hope you find this newsletter helpful.
People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures
— F. M. Alexander
In the newsletter you will find information on:
- New website for the Alexander Technique Centre, Ireland
- 3 day Workshop and free introductory talk with Anne Battye (UK), 11 -13 October
- Open week at the Training College in Galway, 22nd – 25th Nov
- Training course enrolments
- New book by Richard Brennan: Change Your Posture, Change Your Life
- Introductory Courses around Ireland with Richard Brennan
- Alex the Skeleton takes to the road for the Ironman event
New-look website

Over the summer my wife Caroline has done a fantastic job of creating a brand new website for the Centre. The new website is far more accessible and has new articles, a PowerPoint presentation and new information about research. I am hoping that it will become a valuable resource for people studying the Technique for the first time as well as for Alexander Teachers and training course students.
To have a look please visit We welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions.
'Back to Basics' 3 Day Training with Anne Battye (UK), October 11th - 13th

Anne Battye had her first lessons with Dr. Wilfred Barlow in 1960, subsequently training as a teacher with Marjory Barlow (Alexander's niece). After qualifying in 1964 she continued to work privately in the Alexander Institute, then broadened her experience by teaching at RADA and working in Alexander training schools. She has given workshops and talks on the Technique in many countries, helped to define the moderation process used by STAT to encourage higher and more consistent standards among training schools. She enjoys working with small groups of newly-qualified teachers.
Her teaching will focus on going back to the essence that the Technique is based upon - inhibition and direction - and the ways which Alexander himself devised to help convey these principles.
Course Details
Dates: Tuesday 11th – 13th October 2011
Times: 10.00 am – 4.30 pm
Venue: The Alexander Training College, Moycullen, Co. Galway
Cost: €195 for three days or €75 for one day
Suitable for: Alexander Teachers and those with more than 20 hours' experience of the Technique
To Book: Please contact Richard Brennan on 091 555800 or email
What is the Alexander Technique?
Free introductory talk with Anne Battye
Anne Battye is one of the most experienced Alexander teachers on the planet! She trained as an Alexander teacher with Marjory Barlow who was F. M. Alexander's niece. After qualifying in 1964 she continued to work privately in the Alexander Institute, then broadened her experience by teaching at RADA and working in Alexander training schools.
Further Details
Date and time: Wednesday 12th October 2011 at 6pm
Venue: The Alexander Training College, Moycullen, Co. Galway
Cost: Free
Suitable for: Everyone welcome
To Book: Please contact Richard Brennan on 091 555800 or email
Open week at the Training College in Galway, 22nd – 25th November

If you have ever considered doing further training in the Alexander Technique, either for you own personal interest, or with a view to becoming a teacher of the Alexander Technique, then you may be interested in the open week at the college. During this week people can come to the college for a day or a week and join in on the sessions.
This week is completely free to those who have never been to the college before, and half price (€95) to those who have visited before.
It is open to all those who have already had some lessons or who have been to an introductory workshop. Please see for more information about the training.
Early booking advised as there are only 5 places for this week. To book a place please call 091 555800 or email
Training Course Enrolments
The Alexander Technique Training Course is full for the Autumn term, however 2 places will become available in January 2012 due to some of the students graduating at Christmas. We are now taking applications for January. Anyone who is thinking of training to be a teacher is welcome to visit during the open week or by arrangement.
Details of how to apply can be found at
Autumn 2011 term
Start and end of term: Tuesday 13th September – Friday 2nd December
Mid-term break: 24th – 30th October
Visiting teachers: Anne Battye (UK), 11th-13th October, & in November, Trish Hemingway (UK)
Please note: Visiting teacher weeks hours are 10am – 4pm.
Course hours: Tues 2.30–6.30pm, Weds 9.30am–4pm, Thurs 9.30am–1.30pm, Fri 9.30–11am
For full details please visit:
New Book by Richard Brennan

Change Your Posture, Change Your Life
How the Power of the Alexander Technique Can Combat Back Pain, Tension and Stress
This book analyses what causes poor posture and sets out to help the reader regain a natural posture that is free rather than forced. He also shows how the Alexander Technique can help to bring about this freedom of body, mind and emotions. Chapters include 'The Secret Key to Good Posture', 'The Hidden Obstacle to Improving Posture', 'Your Inner Acrobat' and 'First Steps in Releasing Muscle Tension'. The author examines many aspect of the technique and how it can benefit everyone, young and old.
Publisher: Watkins Publishing | Publication date: 6th January 2012
Short Courses with Richard Brennan

Forthcoming Introductory and Intermediate short courses led by Richard Brennan are given below. Please note that you are also welcome to visit the college for intermediate training. For booking information and further details, please visit our short courses page.
Kilmaley Daycare Centre, near Ennis, Co Clare
24th-25th Sept
Residential weekend
National University of Ireland,Galway
8th+15th Oct
Two consecutive Saturdays
The Department of Lifelong Learning and Outreach, University of Limerick
4th-5th Nov
Non-residential weekend
Emmaus Centre, Lissenhall, Swords, Co Dublin
12th-13th Nov
Residential weekend
Alex the Skeleton takes the road again for the Ironman event

Last but not least, Alex (the Irish Society of Alexander Technique Teachers' skeleton) took to the road to compete in the international competition Ironman which passed by the centre last Sunday. He managed several yards before he fell over and lost his head, but 10/10 for effort! Hopefully he drew the attention of cyclists with back and neck problems. He was trying to show them that you can ride a bike without hunching over the handle bars, but did he overdo it a bit?