Newsletter Contents:
- New graduate
- Presentation in London
- Book launch in London featuring Tim Brennan
- Petition about School Chairs
- Workshop with Rosa Luisa Rossi
- 'Immersion' Workshop with Richard Brennan
- Cranio-Sacral Practitioner Courses with Ingrid Bacci
- Open Week
- Training Course News
- Short Courses
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Welcome to the April 2012 edition of the newsletter! In this issue I am happy to announce an online petition, a book launch in London, courses by special international guest teachers, news from the Training College, Open Week, and an update on introductory courses.
A special welcome if you are new the Alexander Technique mailing list. You will be sent an e-newsletter about 3-4 times a year. I hope you find this newsletter helpful.
When an investigation comes to be made, it will be found that every single thing we are doing in the work is exactly what is being done in Nature where the conditions are right, the difference being that we are learning to do it consciously
— F. M. Alexander
Featured in this newsletter:
- Another new Alexander Teacher graduates from the Centre
- 'Marketing the Alexander Technique and Yourself' with Richard Brennan
- Book Launch in London with Richard Brennan and Guest Speaker Tim Brennan
- Petition about School Chairs Launched
- Three-day workshop with Rosa Luisa Rossi (Switzerland)
- Week-long Workshop in Dublin with Richard Brennan
- Cranio-Sacral Practitioner course with Ingrid Bacci
- Open week at the Alexander Technique training course in Galway 12th – 15th June
- Training course enrolment news
- Introductory Courses around Ireland with Richard Brennan
Another new Alexander Teacher Graduates from the Training Centre in Galway

Congratulations to Fiona Little who recently graduated from the Alexander Technique Training Course in Galway. The Graduation took place on the equinox, 22nd March, in Barna woods. It was a beautiful spring day while Fede Betti and Tomas Hardiman played gentle music which harmonised with the gentle breeze in the trees. Then Fiona talked at length about her three years at the college which brought much laughter. The celebrations continued to Padraicíns for lunch and the Tulsi Indian restaurant in the evening. We wish her all good wishes in her new career!
Presentation and Book Launch in London
"MARKETING the TECHNIQUE and YOURSELF" with Richard Brennan.
Evening presentation combined with the UK launch of his new book, Change Your Posture, Change Your Life. A chance to hear and question Richard in a relaxed environment about marketing the Technique and the writing of his books (wine and nibbles included). There will also be an opportunity to purchase books and meet Tim Brennan, the creator of the Vivo Barefoot Shoe. Tim will also be speaking at the event.
Fri 27th April 2012 | 6:15 – 8:30pm | £25pp | 10 Harley Street, London W1G 9PF
For booking and further info visit Marketing the Technique and Yourself.
Book Launch: Change Your Posture, Change Your Life by Richard Brennan

Many thanks for all those who attended the launch of Richard Brennan's new book, Change Your Posture, Change Your Life on Friday on 3rd February at Charlie Byrne's Bookshop in Galway - You all made it a great success! A special thanks to Dr Kieran Tobin and his wonderful endorsement of the Alexander Technique during his fascinating speech.
There will also be a UK launch In London on Fri 27th April 2012 at 7:30pm at 10 Harley Street, London W1G 9PF. The Guest speaker is Richard's son Tim Brennan who is the inventor of VivoBarefoot shoes. He will be talking about how he created the shoes after having Alexander lessons himself. If you would like to attend this event, which is by invitation only please contact Richard directly. View poster here >.
This book shows how the power of the Alexander Technique can combat back pain, tension and stress. It analyses what causes poor posture and sets out to help the reader regain a natural posture that is free rather than a forced way of being. He also shows how the Alexander Technique can help to bring about this freedom of body, mind and emotions. Chapters include 'The Secret Key to Good Posture', 'The Hidden Obstacle to Improving Posture', 'Your Inner Acrobat' and 'First Steps in Releasing Muscle Tension'. The author examines many aspect of the technique and how it can benefit everyone, young and old. To order a copy now please visit
Petition about School Chairs Launched

According to National Association for Back Pain UK, backward sloping school chairs are the major cause for back pain in adults by directly causing poor posture in most children. Yet all schools in Ireland still use them and even the new chairs that are replacing old ones have a backward sloping seat. It is the Irish Government's specification that all school chairs must slope back because this makes them stackable, but it also causes poor posture in nearly every child.
The backward sloping base of the seat prevents the children bending naturally at the hip joints and forces them to bend their spines instead. Children have no choice but to endure these chairs for over 15,000 hours while at school and is the main reason why the majority of adults get back or neck pain either at school or after they leave. Only the Irish government can change this. More information at
Please sign the petition here >>
Three-day Workshop: The Alexander Technique and neuroscience and the plasticity of the human brain with Rosa Luisa Rossi (Switzerland)

This 3 day workshop will involve looking at how the latest discoveries in neuroscience are very applicable to the Alexander Technique. The Technique is about changing habits of the body and mind, and the more we know about the mind-body relationship and plasticity of the human brain, the more able we are to change the way we react for a happier, more fulfilling life. Be prepared to be inspired!
Rosa Luisa's main interest in the Alexander Technique is around the development of the human potential. She trained from 1983-1986 in Zurich and now teaches worldwide. Continuous learning is her motto and so she has enlarged her teaching capacities after her training with observation skills, group teaching and application of the Technique to a variety of important activities.
Course Details
Dates: Tuesday 29th – Thursday 31st May
Times: 10.00 am – 4.30 pm each day
Venue: The Alexander Training College, Moycullen, Co. Galway
Cost: €195 for three days or €75 for one day
Suitable for: Everyone
To Book: Please contact Richard Brennan on 091 555800 or email
Weeklong 'Immersion' workshop with Richard Brennan in Swords, Co. Dublin

Immerse yourself in the Alexander Technique during a five day residential Alexander Technique workshop. This course is suitable for new people and those who have had some experience of the Technique. The week will include an individual session every day, from teachers and 3rd year students, as well as looking at everyday activities such as breathing and walking in small groups. All meals, tuition and accommodation included in the price. The location is the Emmaus conference centre in a beautiful setting, with relaxed atmosphere, close to Dublin City.
"One of the best weeks of my life" - comment from one of last year's participants.
For more information about Richard please see his biography page.
Course Details
Dates: Monday 14th – Friday 18th May 2012
Times: Monday 10.00 am – 2.30 pm Friday
Venue: Emmaus Retreat Centre, Swords, Co Dublin. Website:
Cost: €495 fully residential
Suitable for: Everyone.
To Book: Please contact the Emmaus Centre on 01 8700050 or email
Two Craniosacral Therapy Courses with Ingrid Bacci, leading to a Professional Certificate in Craniosacral Therapy

Two Four-day Modules with Ingrid Bacci PhD, CST, CAT
Ingrid Bacci is offering two modules of a Professional Certification Training in Craniosacral Therapy in Galway, Ireland. One of the modules is introductory so you have the option to start your training from the beginning. The other module is for those who have completed an introductory module (this year or in past years) and who wish to continue their training.
For full certification, attendance at four 4-day courses (minimum 120 hours) is required. These courses are currently all scheduled to be offered at the Alexander Technique Centre in Galway.
Topics and training covered will include:
- History of Craniosacral therapy
- Palpation techniques
- Feeling and working with the Craniosacral rhythm (key for diagnosis and treatment)
- Treating diaphragms
- Introduction to working with the cranium
For further information on the certification process, please feel free to contact Ingrid at
Course Details
Introductory Module: Tuesday 26th - Friday 29th June 2012
More Advanced Module: Tuesday 3rd - Friday 6th July 2012
You are welcome to attend either or both modules.
Times: 10.00 am – 4.30 pm each day
Venue: The Alexander Training College, Moycullen, Co. Galway
Cost: €395 for each four-day module
To Book: Please contact Richard Brennan on 091 555800 or email
Open week at the Training College in Galway, 12th - 15th June (Free)

If you have ever considered doing further training in the Alexander Technique, either for you own personal interest, or with a view to becoming a teacher of the Alexander Technique, then you may be interested in the open week at the college. During this week people can come to the college for a day or a week and join in on the sessions.
This week is completely free to those who have never been to the college before, and half price (€95) to those who have visited before.
It is open to all those who have already had some lessons or who have been to an introductory workshop. Please see for more information about the training.
Early booking advised as there are limited places for this week. To book a place please call 091 555800 or email
Training Course News
There are two places available on the Alexander Technique Training Course, starting April 2012, and there will be two further places for those wishing to start in September.
Visiting the Training Course
Although primarily the Training Course is for those who wish to training to become Alexander Technique teachers, we do welcome those who wish to visit for a day, a week or even a whole term to improve their own understanding of the Technique. Anyone who is thinking of training to be a teacher is welcome to visit during the Open Week or any other week by arrangement. For further information see or contact the Centre.
TERM DATES FOR 2012 - 2013
Summer term 2012
Start and end of term: Tuesday 17th April – Thursday 21st June
Mid-term break: 20th – 26th May
Visiting teachers: Rosa Luisa Rossi (Switzerland), 29th May - 1st June; Wolfgang Weiser (Sweden), 5th - 7th June
Residential week: Emmaus Retreat Centre, Swords, Co Dublin, 14th - 18th June
Autumn term 2012
Start and end of term: Tuesday 16th September – Thursday 6th December
Mid-term break: 28th October – 3rd November
Visiting teachers: Ann Rhodes (USA), 25th - 27th September
Spring term 2013
Start and end of term: Tuesday 8th January – Friday 15th March
Mid-term break: to be announced
Visiting teachers: to be announced
Course hours: Tues 2.30–6.30pm, Weds 9.30am–4pm, Thurs 9.30am–1.30pm, Fri 9.30–11am
Please note: Visiting teacher weeks hours are 10am – 4pm.
For full details please visit:
Short Courses with Richard Brennan
Forthcoming Introductory and Intermediate short courses led by Richard Brennan are given below. Please note that you are also welcome to visit the college for intermediate training. For booking information and further details, please visit our short courses page.
Kilmaley, near Ennis, Co Clare
22th April
Alexander Technique Refresher Day - One Day Workshop
Ardenode Country House Hotel (temporary home of Chrysalis), Ballymore Eustace, Co Kildare
31st Aug - 2nd Sept
Residential weekend course
National University of Ireland, Galway
Sat 6th + Sat 13th Oct
Two introductory day workshops
Emmaus Centre, Lissenhall, Swords, Co Dublin
3rd - 4th November
Residential (or non-residential) weekend course
€190 / €140