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Welcome to the Summer 2016 edition of the newsletter. We hope you enjoy it! A special welcome if you are new to the Alexander Technique mailing list. We will not fill up your inbox as you will be only sent an e-newsletter about 3-4 times a year.
The Alexander technique is a wonderful tool for transformation and the most powerful way to implement it is to immerse yourself for a whole week. This summer we are offering two opportunities in which you can do that - in southern Spain and in Co Dublin. Details below.
Everyone wants to be right, but no one stops to consider if their idea of right is right.
— F. Matthias Alexander
What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
— Mark Twain
Featured in this issue:
- Magical Alexander Technique Holiday in Southern Spain
- Emmaus Immersion course
- FM Alexander's lost fifth book - just republished
- Special Offer: free CD with books by Richard Brennan
- The 2nd International Alexander Teacher's Convention, Dublin 2017
- Three day workshop with Vivien Mackie (Scotland), May 3rd - 5th
- Weekend workshop in August with Malcolm Balk (Canada):
The Alexander Technique and Running - Training Course News:
- Short Courses with Richard Brennan
Magical Alexander Technique Holiday in Southern Spain, 30th July - 6th August 2016

Cortijo Romero is a breathtakingly beautiful alternative holiday centre like no other; in a magnificent Andalucian mountain setting; delightful accommodation and delicious healthy food. There's a superb range of holistic personal development courses and retreats, with outstanding facilitators: yoga, tai chi, dance, massage and more - all in 'one of the most inspiring and uplifting areas in the world'.
— National Geographic magazine

Learning the Alexander Technique in the wonderful holistic centre of Cortijo Romero is a magical experience and has all the ingredients you need to relax, unwind and rejuvenate. Many people feel that they learn the Alexander Technique far more easily here as they say they can let go of muscular tension far more quickly due to the centre's peaceful location and atmosphere.
Cortijo Romero is situated in the wonderful La Alpujarra mountains, in an unspoiled Natural Park in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in Granada province, deep in the south of Spain. It sits at 1300 feet in a fertile valley, within an 800-year old olive grove, surrounded by magnificent mountain views. (Not only in daytime: watching the stars over the mountains at midnight from the roof is a magical experience!)
The bedrooms are simply but comfortably furnished in local style, all with bath or shower, and central heating in winter. Most are singles or twins, with a few doubles. And there is a private swimming pool in the centre of complex which is available to use at all times. All the food is vegetarian, including eggs and dairy produce, using as much local and organic produce as possible. It's a diet suited to the environment - delicious, varied, nourishing and much appreciated by the guests.

The price of the holiday include all course tuition, accommodation and all meals. For special diets like vegan, dairy-free and wheat-free as well as some medically prescribed ones, there is a small extra charge of £17 per week, booked before you travel. An Early bird discount of £30 applies if you book 3 months ahead. You only have to place your £100 deposit to do this.
For further information please visit
Alexander Technique Immersion at the Emmaus Centre, Co Dublin, 6th - 10th June 2016

Treat yourself to a residential Alexander Technique workshop over 5 days in a peaceful conference centre in a beautiful setting, with relaxed atmosphere near Swords, Co. Dublin.
The course is suitable both for people new to the Technique, and those who have had some experience. The course will include an individual session every day, from teachers and 3rd year training course students, as well as looking at everyday activities such as breathing and walking.
Starts Mon 10:00 AM, and ends Fri 2:30 PM. Cost €525. All meals, tuition and accommodation are included in the price. Although it is possible to take part in the course non-residentially, we have found that those who stay at the centre gain greater benefit from the week. To book, please contact Emmaus directly: Tel: 01 8700050, Email:, Website:
FM Alexander's lost fifth book - just republished after more than 100 years out of print

Conscious Control in Relation to Human Evolution in Civilization was published in 1912 and quickly went out of print. It was Alexander's second book, coming after Man's Supreme Inheritance and before Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual. It is probably the simplest and most easy-to-follow of all his books.
In this book Alexander methodically sets out his claim for his method, and then backs this up with his reasons for standing by that claim. He also includes some case studies to back it up. It is a very clear description of the method devised, which he calls 'Conscious Control'.
In this book Alexander discusses various topics such as:
- breathing and physical exercises
- the cause of physical degeneration
- chronic indigestion
- means-whereby and end-gaining
- increasing powers of resistance against disease
- correcting harmful mental habits
The book also includes some general notes and case studies. While much of the content is similar to his other books, it is helpful to have it put in such a concise way. There is also a print of Alexander's signature in the front of each book.
For more details and to order online, please go to
Special Offer: free CD with two recently republished books by Richard Brennan

We are giving away this Alexander self-help CD completely free (normally €17) to all those ordering either of the two books below. The perfect accompaniment to any of the Alexander Technique books, it lasts for 40 minutes and talks you through a simple procedure that helps you let go of unwanted muscle tension. This will improve your breathing and posture, and in turn can prevent or relieve backache, neck-ache, headaches and stress. Designed to be used over and over again, benefiting you each time.
To redeem this offer please go to, choose and order a book, then forward your Paypal book order confirmation to, quoting the free CD offer.
Mind and Body Stress Relief with the Alexander Technique

As the title suggests this book tells you how to reduce physical, mental and emotional stress. Topics covered include worry, depression, insomnia and panic attacks. It is suitable for those new to the Technique as well as those who have had Alexander Technique lessons. No other book explains how the stress of the mind directly causes excessive muscle tension. 185 pages Illustrated with line drawings.
The new 2015 printed edition was updated in 2011 to include a summary of important new research reported in the British Medical Journal in 2008, which showed significant long-term benefits of the Alexander Technique to back sufferers. The useful addresses and further reading sections have also been updated with new websites and book titles.
The Alexander Technique: Natural Poise for Health

This is an ideal introduction to the Alexander Technique as it is straightforward and easy to read. Perfect for those who know little or nothing about the Technique. Each chapter explains the principles and concepts behind the technique clearly without jargon or anatomical terms. There is also a section about how Alexander evolved his technique. Illustrated with clear line drawings.
The new 2015 printed edition was thoroughly revised and updated throughout in 2013. The useful websites and further reading sections have been updated with new websites and book titles. There are new recommendations in the back pages for chairs, cushions, footwear and desks.
The 2nd International Alexander Teacher's Convention, Dublin 2017
Come and join us at the 2nd International Alexander Technique Convention in Dublin in April 2017!
Bookings have started to come in for the convention which takes place in Dublin in April 2017. The Convention is designed to deepen your understanding and advance your teaching and communication skills to empower you in taking Alexander's principles forward into the future without losing the essence of the Work. The structure of this week-long convention includes daily workshops, open-minded discussions, work exchanges and networking opportunities which will foster a sense of community, sharing, laughter and integration of learning.
Presenters include Giora Pinkas, Anthony Kingsley, Trisha Hemingway, Wolfgang Weiser, Glen Park, Niall Kelly, Glenna Batson, Tommy Thompson, Rosa Luisa Rossi, Jeando Masoero and Barbro Olsson.
With Early bird prices in place until 1st November 2016, you can save €100 on the normal price. Places are limited to 100. For more information please visit
Musicians' and singers' workshop with Vivien Mackie (Scotland), 3rd-5th May 2016

Vivien is an Alexander teacher and world-renowned cellist who had the rare good fortune to study extensively with the famous cellist and
teacher-extraordinary Pablo Casals. The exciting parallels between his teaching and that of F.M. Alexander led her to train with Walter Carrington from 1970-73.
Later on, singing lessons with Angela Caine, and collaboration with her in workshops, opened up a whole new field of discovery.
She draws on her learning from these three remarkable teachers in her work today, and on what she learned from the three year Alexander Training Course she ran in Australia whose students were all musicians.
Course Details
Dates: Tuesday 3rd – Thursday 5th May 2016
Times: 10.00 am – 4.30 pm each day
Venue: The Alexander Training College, Moycullen, Co. Galway
Cost: €195 for three days or €75 for one day
Suitable for: For everyone, including singers and musicians, without or without Alexander Technique experience.
To Book: Please contact Richard Brennan on 091 555800 or email
Weekend Workshop in August with Malcolm Balk (Canada):
The Alexander Technique and Running

Malcolm Balk qualified with Patrick Macdonald in 1984. In addition to maintaining a private practice in Montreal, he also teaches at Plattsburgh State University in New York. Originally attracted to the Technique because of major tension issues while playing the cello, he is also a Level 4 running coach and still competes in his veteran category (2012 Canadian Age Group winner: half marathon). In 1991 he developed The Art of Running workshop which has been enjoyed by runners all over the world. Malcolm's book, Master the Art of Running with the Alexander Technique has sold over 20,000 copies.
We all think we know how to run. After all, it's as natural as putting one foot in front of the other. To often, though, an activity which should be pleasurable and fulfilling instead leads to frustration and injury. Learn how to achieve and maintain fitness without injury and how to overcome self-imposed limitations.
Course Details
Dates: August 2016 (provisionally Friday Aug 26th to Sunday 28th - exact dates to be confirmed)
Suitable for: This workshop is open to all and does not demand a high level of fitness.
Venue: The Alexander Training College, Moycullen, Co. Galway
To Book: Please contact Michaela Wohlgemuth on 087 7556558 or for further details
and to express your interest in this workshop.
Training Course News

New Teacher Graduates from the training course
Heartfelt congratulations to Alazne Larrinaga who graduated on the 16th March. Alazne will still be at the training course as she will be doing a post-graduate year at the college. It has been wonderful to have Alazne's calming presence at the training course for last three years and we look forward to her continuing here at the college in the future.
Special offer: 10% off first term's fees
€195 off the first term at the Alexander centre in Galway to new students
This September we are offering 4 places at a very special rate for those who wish to learn more about the Alexander Technique either with a view to pursuing a new career, or just to help themselves. Each day includes an individual lesson and group work. This term really could transform your life for the better.
Ever thought of becoming an Alexander teacher? To find out more about this very rewarding career please go to
There are four places available on the Alexander Technique Training Course, starting in September 2016, and another two places coming up in January 2017. You can apply for either term anytime.
Visiting the Training Course

Although the Training Course is primarily for those who wish to train to become Alexander Technique teachers, we do welcome those who wish to visit for a day, a week or even a whole term, by arrangement, to improve their own understanding of the Technique. It is an ideal environment for those who enjoy learning the technique in a group. You will receive individual sessions as well as join in group sessions on various subjects including standing, walking, sitting and breathing.
Open Week at the Training College in Galway, November 15th - 18th 2016 (free)

If you have ever considered doing further training in the Alexander Technique, either for you own personal interest, or with a view to becoming a teacher of the Alexander Technique, then you may be interested in the Open Week at the college. During this week people can come to the college for a day or for the whole week and join in on the sessions.
It is open to all those who have already had some lessons or who have been to an introductory workshop.
This week is completely free to those who have never been to the college before, and half price (€95) to those who have visited before. There are only 5 places available, so early booking is advised.
Please see for more information about the training. To book a place please call 091 555800 or email
Three month Postgraduate Diploma Course starting in September 2016 in Galway
Anyone who has completed a 3 year Alexander Technique teacher training course is welcome to apply. The course will include one hands-on lesson each day for yourself; working with people who have had little or no experience of the technique; how to start and sustain a successful practice teaching the Alexander Technique; and many other related topics such as neuroscience and how to read MRI reports.
Cost: €995
Please contact Richard for full details 091 555800 or email
Term Dates 2016
Summer Term 2016
Start and end of term: Tuesday 19th April – Friday 24th June
Mid-term break: 16th - 23rd May
Autumn Term 2016
Start and end of term: Tuesday 13th September – Thursday 1st December
Mid-term break: 24th - 31st October
Course hours: Tues 2.30–6.30pm, Weds 9.30am–4pm, Thurs 9.30am–1.30pm, Fri 9–12 noon
For full details please visit:
Short Courses with Richard Brennan

Forthcoming Introductory and Intermediate short courses led by Richard Brennan are given below.
For booking information and further details about the short courses below, please visit our short courses page. Please note that you are also welcome to visit the college for intermediate training.
Emmaus Centre, Lissenhall, Swords, Co Dublin
6th - 10th June 2016
Alexander Technique Immersion: Residential Five Day Course
Cortijo Romero, Orgiva, Granada, Spain
30th July - 6th August 2016
Change Your Posture, Change Your Life:
Residential week-long workshop in a beautiful holiday centre in southern Spain
National University of Ireland (Adult Education), Galway
8th + 15th October 2016
Change Your Posture, Change Your Life: Two day introductory workshop
Esker Retreat Centre, Athenry, Co Galway
21st - 23rd October 2016
Back In Balance: Residential Weekend Workshop
€165 (€90 non-residential)
Emmaus Centre, Lissenhall, Swords, Co Dublin
5th - 6th November 2016
Back In Balance: Residential Weekend Workshop
€190 (non residential €140)